Posted in 2024, life lessons

New Year, Same Me

same me
image courtesy of





Happy New Year!

I’m a few days behind, but at least I’m writing again. I still have a huge boulder blocking my way, but I’m trying (very – just ask my family). I’m disappointed that adjusting to my new position meant putting creativity on the back burner, but a new year means a fresh start, and I am all about new beginnings.

A new year also means new resolutions. I’m a little tired of making (and breaking) the same resolutions (“lose 10 pounds”, “journal daily”, “eat my vegetables”…) so I started looking for new ones.

My search led me to this article on the history of New Year’s resolutions. According to insight vacations “The very first New Year’s resolutions dates happened over 4,000 years ago. The first recorded people to celebrate a new year were the ancient Babylonians. Their new year celebration was a 12-day festival called Akitu, which began at the start of the spring planting season in March.” 

I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer to wait until March to set resolutions. It would give me a chance to eat all the holiday treats before trying to “lose 10 pounds.” Then again, eating all the treats would mean adjusting that goal to 15-20, or making peace with being fluffy. 

I also found a list of funny/absurd resolution ideas on the Cake Blog. Kate Wight included resolutions for kids:

  • I will go to school with my clothes on backward and see if anyone notices.
  • I will come up with the silliest face ever and wear it to school.
  • I will sing instead of speak for a whole day (warning – I sing in the key of “off”).

For adults:

  • I will pick fewer internet fights (I feel called out).
  • I vow to communicate exclusively in memes.
  • I will finish all the DIY projects I started and abandoned in 2019. 
  • I will dance like no one is looking when I’m in a public place.

Because I am “a woman of a certain age” I was especially intrigued by her suggestions for seniors:

  • I will eat dessert first at every meal (FYI dessert at every meal makes it hard to lose 10 pounds).
  • I will use every single senior discount offered this year.
  • I will masquerade as my favorite celebrity while shopping.
  • I will share inappropriate jokes at the most awkward moment possible.
  • I will dress up in costume for Halloween and go trick or treating (I prefer the 21+ tradition of “drink or treat”).
  • I will not act my age.

I don't know how to act my age because I've never been this old before. #coolfunnyquotes | Funny ...







After reviewing all my options, I have resolved not to make any New Year’s resolutions this year. I may, however, make a Peacock Vow. I know what you’re thinking. I do! It’s because I’m psychic…or psychotic (I can’t remember which, but if you see me coming towards you with a knife – RUN!!!). You’re thinking “What’s a Peacock Vow?”

According to, in the Middle Ages “knights would make an annual “Peacock Vow” at the end of the year. They would renew their resolution to maintain the values of knighthood by putting their hands on a live or roasted peacock.”

I don’t know where to find a peacock other than the zoo, and I don’t think the zookeepers would let me into the pen to pet (or roast) one. Besides, have you heard the way they scream? (the zookeepers, not the peacocks). 

So, no Peacock Vows or New Year’s Resolutions, but not for the reason you’d think.

ICYMI, here’s the problem with New Year’s Resolutions

Remember – every day moment gives you a chance to being again, and you are perfect just the way you are!

Love, Me


Posted in 2024, all about me

I’m Trying

st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I’m sorry that I’ve been MIA. I had every intention of returning to blogging after a short break, but you know what they say about good intentions…..

road to hell

Which reminds me of a Darynda Jones quote:

image courtesy


I had no idea that my “short break” was going to last 9 months. Mrs. Kingsliegh may believe that “Time is a thief and a villain” but I cannot blame him. 

I would like to blame:

A. Writer’s block (or, in my case, writer’s ginormous boulder).

B. Grief (seriously Death, stop taking people I love – I have a whole list of people you can take instead).

C. Illness and/or death (not my own, so not really a valid excuse).

But the answer is

D. Adjusting to new jobs. Yes, “jobs” (not a typo). In the past 9 months I’ve been promoted twice. I’m not trying to brag (okay, maybe a little). After 12 years as a grunt I was moved to lead and then supervisor.  I went from peon to peer (pee-er?) because someone thought that putting me in charge of people was a good idea. It was weird and it threw me off my game. Of course, that’s assuming I had a game to being with – and we all know what happens when you make an assumption.*

But I’m back, and while I can’t promise that I’ll write on a regular basis, I can promise that I will try. I’ve always told my daughter that effort is more important than results, so the fact that I’m trying is good enough for me. Wait – that’s a lie (for those of you who are new to the page I lie a lot). “Trying” is not good enough for this perfectionist, but I’m trying to let it be enough for today. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. 

I’d like to leave you with my favorite New Year’s wish:

“May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows”


*Mitch Hennessey breaks it down for those of you who haven’t see The Long Kiss Goodnight