Posted in 2023, all about me, mental health

What, Me Worry?


I need to confess something.

I know what you’re thinking. For someone who is decidedly non-Catholic, I spend an awful lot of time confessing. Maybe I should convert. Do you know the difference between Jewish guilt and Catholic guilt?*


Confession time – I am a worrywart. 

I could blame my daughter (hey, she’s not here and she probably won’t see this post). There are so many things to worry about once you become a parent. Kim Bongiorno read my mind:

Once you have a few years under your belt as a mom, the constant barrage of new-mom worries usually fades a little. If it didn’t, all of our heads would eventually get so full of question marks that they’d explode, and there’d be no one to remember to take the damn recycling out every other Tuesday morning. That being said, it’s not like we never worry at all anymore. They still slip through on a regular basis, but now lean more towards being wildly specific concerns you never thought you’d fret over. Here are common worries a typical mother might have on any given day:

1. Is it medically possible for a LEGO get permanently embedded in my foot? (maybe not, but the scars last forever!)

2. Why are my kids growing up so fast? What will I do when they leave to go have their own families? WHAT WILL I DO IF THEY DON’T EVER LEAVE TO GO HAVE THEIR OWN FAMILIES?

3. Are my kids doomed to failure if I don’t learn the new math? Because there is NO FRICKIN’ WAY I am going to try to learn math all over again!

It’s nice to know that Mom Worries are a “thing”, but although I’d like to blame the girl, I don’t want to lie (look, I don’t know what’s happening, but it appears that I no longer lie all the time. Should I be worried? Next thing you know I’ll give up swearing and beer).

I have been a worrier for as long as I can remember. Fortunately, thanks to menopause fog/Swiss cheese brain, I can’t remember back very far (memories of the hellish days of high school have faded away). 

My not-quite-New-Year’s Resolution is to break the worry habit. Bad habits are hard to break, but I have found several things that have helped me so far, as well as two others I want to try. 

  1. I stopped labeling the habit. Calling a habit “bad” means that you are doing something bad, and therefore are a bad person (it’s the transitive property: if a=b and b=c, a=c). 
  2. Yoga and meditation. I am well aware of the  “woo woo”/hippy-dippy stigma attached to both of them. I worried that I was turning into a stereotypical Southern California suburbanite. As it turns out “just breathe” is an excellent way to put the brakes on the downward mental spiral.
  3. Exercise. I still think “exercise” is a four-letter word, but that’s okay – I love four-letter words. It will never be my favorite, but I can’t argue with the power of the endorphin rush or the calming nature of birdsong and puppies on the trail. 
  4. Going outside. Didn’t you hear me say that birdsong and puppies are calming? So is the feel of grass (or sand) on bare feet – just don’t step where the puppies have been. 

The Washington post suggested two new-to-me tools:

Locate worry in your body

Worry keeps you in your head rather than feeling emotions in your body. So, when you find yourself worrying, pause and refocus attention on your sensations. Look for the usual signs — heart beating faster; weakness; warmth; stiffness; a dry, constricted throat; rapid breathing; or butterflies in the stomach. Explore them. Maybe move your body to see if that changes how you feel. Stretch. Sit up straight. Breathe. Practice riding the wave of your feelings. They will rise and fall, even without you doing anything.

Make worry concrete and contained

Next, tune into your worried thoughts. Treat yourself like a friend who needs you to lend an ear. If you have a jumble of thoughts, what’s the one that rises to the surface? You can also schedule worry time: Pick a specific period of time to worry (for example, 15 minutes). Write down all the worries that pop into your head and describe them clearly and concretely. Consider the negative outcomes, as well as the positive possibilities. Only worry during worry time. It might surprise you to find that during worry time, you become bored of worrying and stop early.

I worry less knowing that I am not alone. According to this recent article form the Los Angeles time, worry and anxiety are on the rise – ok, anxiety and depression. Whatever – I guess I lied (so much for giving up that bad habit). There is discussion as to whether mental health issues or on the rise, or if they just appear to be because there is a greater awareness of and willing to talk about them. Personally, I blame all the bad and sad blasted by the news outlets 24/7. Which reminds me of the thing that has helped me the most:

5. Turning off the television/radio/phone. Limiting screen time isn’t only important for children. Decreasing the amount of time we spend listening to/watching stories of disasters/violence/hatred is vital to our mental health. I’m not suggesting  you bury your head in the sand (and not just because the sand will get into your eyes and nose and make breathing difficult) – I’m saying that we don’t have to listen to the same story 10+ times in a 24-hour period. Seriously. Where’s John Krasinski’s Some Good News when you need him?

Lastly, don’t forget the wise words of Mark Twain (or George Washington or Will Rogers or any of the other wise worriers from our past). 

worry is interest

Better yet, we should all be more like Alfred E Neuman

what me worry

*Same guilt, different food

I’ll leave you with the cutest worry warts I’ve ever seen. I need these for my desk – looking at them would make me stop worrying and LOL.

image and sculptures by gesine kratzner
Posted in days of the week, Friyay

Find Your Joy


Hello and welcome to your dose of Fri-yay aka some good news for the end of your week. If you’re anything like me, you’re tired of listening to all the bad and sad featured by the major news networks. Listening to the news is either alarming (“Something in your house could kill you – news at 11!”) or depressing (“We’re on the brink of war! Gas prices are skyrocketing! Avocados from Mexico are banned!”* ). Is it any wonder that so many of our commercials are for anti-anxiety and/or anti-depressant meds? (hmmmmmm…is that an AHA! moment or tinfoil hat time?).

tinfoil hat
image courtesy of

One of the few good things to come out of the pandemic was John Krasinski’s Some Good News. Unfortunately, John Krasinski stopped playing on Youtube after 8 short episodes and moved on to other things. Something about having prior commitments to his Jack Ryan team or writing and directing Quiet Place 27. I know the truth – he doesn’t love me any more (then again, he doesn’t love me an less). 

With SNG on permanent hiatus, it’s up to us dig through the dreck and find the good. Thankfully, it’s not just up to me and my recently restarted blog. That’s waaaaaaay too much pressure for this somewhat cynical anti-suburban suburbanite.  

There were plenty of good things to celebrate this week, including the fact that my daughter got accepted to all three of the colleges she applied for. I realize that although this brought her joy, it affects you not at all. I’m hoping the next two stories lift your spirits. 

One of my favorite pieces from this week was the story of Jasper, the Siamese cat with a new view of his hooman’s fishtank. Evidently Jasper used to spend hours staring at the saltwater tank from a dining room chair. The new tank was finished last December. While his two-legged siblings spent Christmas eve dreaming of sugarplums, Jasper was dreaming of sushi. 

cat aquarium

World News Tonight has started a segment entitled America Strong. It’s not quite SNG, but it comes close. Last night’s segment featured Andy Toleson, a senior at Lake Hamilton High School in Piercy, Arkansas. His team chose to give this young man a memory that will last a lifetime. He deserves it. As his coach said, “He’s taught us that if you’ll put your mind to something, and you believe in it and you have a dream, that anything is possible.” 

I have to admit, the actions of his coach and teammates made me smile, but the actions of the other team had me reaching for tissues (damned allergies!). These young men give me hope for humanity. 

So turn off the news and find something to smile about. Or, as my new TikTok BFF Greg Kata says – Find Your Joy

*Between the avocado ban and the cream cheese shortage, I might finally lose my #Covid15.

So tell me – what good news do you have today?